The art of travelling


Welcome to Brazil

Brazil, what is there to see and to do? Some believe that Brazil's tourist attractions resume symbols of spectacular scenery, like theIguaçu FallsRio's Sugar Loaf, contagious carnival shows, world famous soccer players, etc. Others still assume that Brazil's greatest gift to the world are girls wearing tangas or fio dental (swimwear made from frazzles of cloth, normally used by Indian women).Nothing against either one, but... this is definitely NOT what Brazil is all about! There is the other Brazil, with its variety of exuberant tropical landscape, the amazingly rich biodiversity of fauna and flora to be observed in theAtlantic and Amazon rainforests, the southern high sierras, thecerrado plains of central and northeast Brazil, not to mention thePantanal wetlands.

In addition, there are the cultural peculiarities of its people, magnificently expressed through thousands of religious, popular and folkloric events. Brazilians are mystical. It is the biggest catholic country but also syncretism has a stronghold here. Brazilians, despite the presence of a huge social gap, are extremely cordial and friendly, always ready for a joke, a song or a dance. Brazilian people and their cultures play an integrated and important part in all of our programs. This is the Brazil we would like you to discover with us!

Southern Cross Tours & Expeditions offers a variety of active nature, natural history, cultural and special interest tours, such as:

  • Botanical Tours, National Parks in thesubtropical southern highlands, the Amazonian and the Atlantic coastal rainforest
  • Natural history expeditions, to theAmazonian lowlands,mountains and nebular rainforests
  • Wildlife Photo Safaris,Jaguar, bird watching in the Pantanal,Franca and Hunchback Whales in the South Atlantic
  • Long rangehorseback trails riding tours and mule hikes
  • Ridingand living with the Gaúchos, the famous South American horsemen and cowboys
  • Ranch stayson mountain farms in southern Brazil and in thePantanal
  • Visits, assistance and support ofendangered species projects
  • Portuguese language and crash courses

Have a look at some of the features of our work:

  • Ourtours are creatively designed, rich in contents and correctly operated
  • Carefully checked out programs, elaborated with expertise, add value to the little details that make all the difference!
  • Tailor made and exclusivetours and expeditions that cater to theindividual needs of a specific group or traveller
  • Small groups with an average of 4-6, maximum 8 participants, sometimes even with 1 participant only, guarantee more individuality at a leisurely pace
  • English speaking and multilingual guides, renowned specialists in their field
  • Translator guide and travel coordinator
  • Experienced, reliable and friendly local guides with great knowledge who are committed to their land


As there are always new discoveries to be made and the old ones to be checked over, our tours are frequently updated. May we suggest that you contact us at our website and ask for a detailed, up to date program.

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